Racial Seperation and Reverse Discrimination
I live in a very diverse area where Latinos make up 60% percent of the majority, and African-Americans 30%. I grew up here, just north of the bronx: and have learned to love it. Iam proud to have grown up where I did, not so that I can go places and wave my ghettoness like a flag, Iam proud to have grown up here because I believe it is the way people should develope. You need to know at a young age that the world is very diverse, not everyone is your color, not everyone speaks your language etc. Iam proud that I wasn't the 6 year old boy in the post office that upon seeing the first African-American had to ask his mother "what color is he". Despite the diversity, I still see a lot of racial seperation. When we went to lunch I saw that the Cubans sat with eachother, the Argentines sat together as did everyone else. This is no surprise, these people could relate to those of the same race: they spoke the same language and ate the same food. This voluntary racial seperation comes as no surprise, except when I turn on my television. When I turn on my television and watch BET(Black Entertainment Television), a network that broadcasts by blacks for blacks. In the commercials all the actors are black, everyone on that channel is black, it didn't bother me. To me it was no different than the radio stations in Spanish, or the spanish speaking channels on T.V. It began to bother me when I watched "B.E.T news" and they reported on pop-culture and the death of Johny Cochran but than they reported on a school in queens. Where the (black) principal of this school who was in the reserve was called to go to Iraq and they were reporting on this mans impact on this (black) community in queens. But than I realized, this is national T.V, everyone who watches B.E.T in america and possibly other places will see this. This story about this principal in queens should be on a local news station not national television. It hit me than that B.E.T wasn't reporting on this man or his impact, they were reporting on him because he was black, they interviewed students because they were black, they covered this story because it was a story in a town where there wasnt a white person to be found. Im not preaching togetherness, Im not trying to save and/or change the world, but this has to go. B.E.T's racial seperation is no good: they are trying to create a society for African-Americans, a different world, and incase they havent realized, theres only one world. I look back at the way African-Americans were treated and Im ashamed, ashamed to be caucasian, and ashamed to be american. But now B.E.T is using these decade old occurences in their defense. Just think about what would happen if someone started C.E.T, Caucasian Entertainment Television, activisits would be on them in a minute, and they would be shut down.
It reminds me of a what I read in the paper a few months ago, a white teen gets expelled for trying to start a club for whites, after being turned away from other clubs dominatd by African-American students. Its reverse-discrimination, and it is happening everywhere here in the U.S. Its almost like its ok for African-Americans to be racist, but its not ok for whites to be racist. Slavery and Segregation were horrible things, but we as society cannot use these or allow these to be used as excuses for racism and racist actions. Its not ok for anyone to say nigger (because of the way I feel about this word I will refer to it as "the N-bomb" throughout the remainder of this post) Its not ok for whites, or blacks or anyone. People think it is ok for African Americans to use the N-Bomb, but its not. Its not ok to have slavery and segregation influence how non-blacks think about african-americans or how they think about the rest of the world. And it is definatley not ok to use these as excuses or insults to any race. They were horrible occurences that are now in the past. We musn't dismiss the wrong-doing of a race or one person because of slavery of segregation. Reverse Racism is wrong, just as wrong as racism itself. A jewish man kills a German, are you going to say its ok because of the holocaust, ofcourse not.
We need equality! and it isn't going to come from B.E.T's seperation from the rest of the world, or reverse discrimination excusing this seperation or anything else.
Just a thought, excuse some generalizations and acknowledge how hard it is to be politically correct all the time
Well said Icharus, I have never been a victim of reverse-discrimination but could imagine feeling like "I dont need your pity or sympathy". It probably makes you feel very low, that the person has to feel bad for.
noisy ghost, we are different and we will always have problems accepting eachother. In order to accpet eachother we must interact and learn to love on another, this interaction isn't going to come from racial seperation.
Onlyoneword is right, it is a choice: but im not concerned with that. This post is about the idea behind B.E.T: and its seperation that I believe to be wrong. In my mind racism is wrong, but I don't think that racists think that they are racist. I think that they just believe there race is superior and thats all there is to it.
Good post S.C,
icarus made a good point when he said you dont have to feel guilty for the mistakes of others. The guilt rest on the shoulders of those who were responsible.
I can't comment on B.E.T though..i've never watched or heard of it until i read your comments..but it's still an interesting issue you've raised.
Please forgive my using the word 'Funny'. But i really truely found it funny when i learnt at school that in the US , calling someone 'black' was a punishable act, but calling them negro wasn't! Isn't that again , bringing us to the same situation? The same person we called black yest will be called negro/nigger today... it still means the same.. it was used to refer to someone with dark skin, and it still will refer someone with dark skin. All that we did was to change the terminology that was in use,from colloquial to politically correct name of a race. Was it so important for the existance of the american society that a person needs to refer to himself by his colour? I think that was the mistake... any kind of referance or indication to a race or colour should have been banned. Now, they can't live without that word. They are in the impression that word shows the world who they are. And Noisy Ghost, i think you still can hold on to each other- atleast every state speaks a common lang (eng). Here in India we speak a different lang in every state! Diversity is what makes the picture so beautiful.
What BET is doing is a clear road to isolating them selves. just cos some people with lesser melanin pigmentation at once isolated them , it doesnt mean that they take a equally cheaper route of secluding themselves. Instead of showing 'Nigger power' , they should have had the grace and honour to show 'human power'. And Icarus Goodman, I differ on the view that most of the celebs aren't causcasians... i think that they are a maj as far as the film scene is concerned. but true that its changing in the music scene.
OK i have to admit i have a lousy memory ... my brother says its the other way around... it was 'Negro' turning into 'Black'. I apologise for the stupid mistake. Well any way i hope my message was conveyed... that there isnt a need for any such nomenclature . Isn't a person's name just enough to identify him/her?
Icarus, that was a very good point you made... now i can understand that the blacks arent a maj but have a proportional representation in the movies and music. That makes sense to me.
As we march into the furure looks like people are failin to see people as just people . Some how we as the human civilisation seemed to failed in bringing down the walls of divides.
And i do strongly agree with you that what people need to see as role modls are definitely not rappers who swear in every song they release but just any human being who faught against a lot of odds to help them selves or others.... that is what can nbe referred to as a human feat worth
lookin up to.
Nita, often times a black student calling another black student a negro or the n-bomb is acceptable. However if a non-black student dares to say the word he/she will have to face consuquences, they may even call it a hate crime.
No, Hate crimes exist for a reason, they exist to seperate your freedoms and crimes. I don't think calling someone a word is a hate crime. What is our society's obsession wth this word. Some people tell me its less offensive to pronounce the end "ah" rather then "er". Why do people care so much? But as said our society, through reverse-discriminating is allowing certain races to be rcist as compensation for their past traumas.
Now I have been told that it is wrong to call someone "black", the proper term is "African-American". Put it is perfectly fine to call people white, should the proper term be caucasian? Why is our society so caugth in these proper racial terms, can't we just be people?
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