This isn't so much of a post but more of a question for who ever should stumble upon this blog.
What makes you feel alienated or imprisoned? What do you feel makes you less of the person you could be, or takes part of you away from yourself?
Myself. Paranoia that I'm not funny, or too selfish, or annoying, or just not interesting enough. I hide away and alienate myself when I'm feeling down. And so the cycle continues.
Sad, isn't it?
I too feel imprisoned by similar things like the social standards set in stone by society. Some times I feel as if Iam not living my life but as if Iam watching it. Sort of like a program it does the living for me, as watch from my computer screen. It really takes away from who you are, and what you could be.
But than again how could you or anyone else ever know that. Even you aren't aware of who you are, and who you are may not even be who you think in the minds of others.
Erk don't mindf*ck me like that, play fair, will ya?
Yeah sometimes I do have to tell myself "Hey you know, it's OK to enjoy your own company sometimes. It's not a sin to be antisocial." - But most people think you're being a boring loser.
OR I think they think I'm being a boring loser. Back in mindf*ck territory again...
Im sorry mis-communication what just happened
"Erk don't mindf*ck me like that, play fair, will ya?"
what did I do
This brings up the other topic of human communication.
Sorry, it was meant to be light-hearted, I forgot my smiley :) I am very animated when I speak and usually it's obvious I mean no harm...
...just meaning that what you said really got my mind in a twist!
"But than again how could you or anyone else ever know that. Even you aren't aware of who you are, and who you are may not even be who you think in the minds of others."Who knows? Like trying to understand infinity. Ack. Interesting, but mind-bending! Sorry if I caused any offence!
You did not cause any offence, I thought perhaps I was the one who did. Dont worry your animation and who you are, are always welcome here. Thank you for your input as the input of everyone continues to benefit myself and everyone who ay happen to stumble across this blog. Interaction is vital
Care to elaborate onlyoneword, if anything i thin alienation stops of us from being "all we can be" (ahh thos ack propraganda cliche sayings alienate me)
Hi my friend...
I thought maybe you would like to visist my blog one more time... it is changed a lot since you last time that you visit it. and I will be happy to have more of your suggestions about it.
Thanks, Keep in touch.
Spartan do yourself a favor, look up what aleination and imprisonment mean. Peer presure is a different matter. Alienation is a part of life, there is no escaping it. It is the way of all things, perhaps the real topic is how do we understand and overcome it. Many of us have seen in the past its damaging effects. Someone once told me you can link just about any crime that has ever taken place to alienation/imprisonment in some way regardless of the seriousness of the crime.
H my friend, thanks for leaving that pretty nice comments on my blog, u really made me happy and I hope to get more of them from u, as u asked how many years did I learned english in School, I have never ever learned any word of, when I was less thn 5, my dad learned me to say hello and how are you and etc, then I watched a lot of american movies and music videos, it is around 3 years that I go toan Institute for learning English which named ILI ... ( and the English that they teach us in School is in a very low level for me. BTW, my sis who is an american is one of the biggest reasons that I learned English with love.
I hate to censor people but if that anonymous commenter, onlyoneword and spartan have somthign to work out keep it away from my blog. If you disagree with somebody fne thats great thats what I want to have but don't go and curse eachother out here.
I suppose it could
hi staticcompost,
i agree alot with what you say and how you try to maintain the integrity of your blog.
comformity is convenient but boring. alienation doesnt work, adaptiveness is a much more practical solution. individuality offers variety to a conformed world. (and variety is the spice of life)
heck, does this make any sense??
I an agree with compassionat in some way. There is no way around damaging alienation, you must adapt. But my heart goes out to those who can't adapt. The people with brillant minds that are imprisoned and silenced by their own prison.
As for conformity, Iam no for conformity in the sense I want to silence free speach and what not. But since the beginning of our existence the human race has been troubled with racism. Is conformity, the melting of all out beatiful unique races arab, white, black, islander, asian, latino etc. the only way. Iamgine a world where we are all the same race because all of the races have melted together. Would humans adapt and find another wya to hate each other. Or would it be a utopia?
exceelent point by onlyoneword, didn't kno you could make such a good poitn using 2 words and symbol. For equality you need level of conformity for equality so is it worth it. Is it worth giving up a aprt of ourselves for equality?
But you can't deny that this society has some serious problems.
Spartan if you don't care don't comment, and if you must know these issues I bring up are very important they pertain to our lives. As you can see my friends around the world have given their imput, they have contributed. You have not, you dismiss and disgrace. If you don't have the self respect to dabble outside the norms of what you consider "normal" than this isn't the place for you.
I think you wish you were like us, I think you wish you could be like everyone who contributes here. Why else would you continue to return here?
Very intersting conversation. Spartan, you have actually made some good points here ... like 'how is conformity related to alienation'... but i guess where you are goin wrong is in your language and the kind of irritating agression you show thru it. We all could enjoy this conversation if you could just keep a check on it. look at this blog for instance... it is because of some level of conformity to an invisible law of decency that we all speak and stand for what we believe and comment here very politely... its not that SC has put up a board that says 'be polite please'. What if none of us would act in conformity to this unspoken law... then this would be a verbal war zone- wouldnt it? there would be not difference between us and animals! Conformity is necessary to a certain extent- just enough to give shape to behaviours.. not to distruct someone elses. Conformity gets its meaning from your perception.
Nita has a good point, you may post whatever you want here, as long as it is input that benefits everyone else. By creating and operating this blog Iam attempting to offer anyone with a computer a place on the internet for their opinions.
simple... these topics have one unique quality.... it has somany faces that it allows people to take different sides. gives us a chance to debate ... speak out , and most of all.... lets us see what other have to say and understand it... broaden our horizons on the process.
hi static compost,
when i wrote that conformity is convenient but boring, i was referring to stuff like the metric systems, what not. small, every day things that the west do not conform to.
i am no for free speech either. in theory, it has a very appealing tinge to it. in practice, it just divides people and create rifts.
nita, that was a very well-written post. and social conformity (in terms of behaviour) is neccessary to some extent or the world would be in for some havoc. so in some ways, social conformity is a neccessary evil.
Kevin, the better half of that comment made no sense, and I hope your aware that the original post was about Alienation.
I don't bad mouth this country, I exercise my right that Iam given by this country in order to work to improve it. Unlike you I don't just take what Iam given, I look beyond that, perhaps you shoud give it a try.
Well Spartan you take part in it everyday, meaning you visit and comment my site everyday. If you have somethign against leave.
first of, compassionat is a she and i definitely did not say i hate free speech. i'm merely saying that i do not support it because i see so many people abusing it. people like you specifically. you speak so freely without a care, you're an ill represntative of your country. i dont hate america..i'm not even from there. I'm not a confrontational person but pls get over yourself and your high morals. It stinks.
I sort of agree with compassionat, even tho ppl abuse free speech, we can't limited it. BEcause we are all equal and can't limit each others: none of us are god.
I agree with Nat completely. If there was complete freedom of speech... then what would be the difference between raging,barking dogs and us?
Nita I agree that many people abuse free speach, but we are human. I believe that we are all equal, And have said that no one can set the parameters for what is ok to say and what isn't. Its the only way.
Hmm... i am looking at the other side of the same argument :) ...we are humans and thats why we should comply with restrictions. thats what makes us so different from the other creatures in the animal kingdom... we have been able to set rules and boundaries, and more importantly modify them depending on the out come of our usage.
Yes thats fine for many aspects of our life, but not for free speach. You can't limit that, furthermore how would you, and if you found a way how could you possibly enforce it?
like most other aspects in life , nothing can be enforced . I could be forced to believe in a God, could be forced to got to a place of worship ... but that doesnt mean that i believe in it even if i do go to a place of worship. After all its just a building , where you go , fold your hands and whisper something and comeback home. So even if my parents or even if the world needs me to believe in the concept .. i dont ... fundamentally cos you cant chain down the mind. Actually, if you observe closely we are limited by our own thoughts more than the environmental constraints. But of course the environmental constraints seem larger and more real because most of them will be in a physical form that we can sense... while in the case of our thoughts - we would have to introspect to be even aware of it. So humans deviced a fantastic method to restrict using the power of the mind.. by teaching you all that you need to know right from child hood... dont steal, dont kill, dont lie, no bubble gums in class ...etc. the method , as we know, isnt fool-proof... but has worked great . whats the proof... here we are somany people from different countries , from different backgrounds, choosing to communicate in a common language with certain boundaries... even restricting our speach when needed. (eg: i am sure some of us could have chosen to swear wheni came to spartan , but didnt)
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