Saturday, March 05, 2005

Requiem for a Dream

I have just finished watching "Requiem for a Dream" and it is by far one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen. The story is about a young man, his girlfriend, his friend and his mother and how their lives slowly fall apart. It illustrates this story by using very odd camera techniques and allowing the viewer to put pieces of the puzzle together. These camera techniques are random, fast blips of movie clips that tell the viewer somthing. As the movie goes on, and their lives fall more and more into mayhem, these blips become more complex. As their lives fall apart, the characters seperate and the one story becomes four little ones. Its ending is so amaxing, these random blips swarm the viewer as you see each of the characters at their worst state, the audio from all the character's now seperate stories get mixed over a odd ambient beat. With the audio and the beat as one, it flashes threw each characters story, and the viewer sees them in there worst state. Its violent, disturbing, shocking, absorbing: I felt so inside the story it was unreal. Suddenly there is a silence and you see all of the characters in their final forever different state. Excellent fliming, casting and music would suggest to anyone who likes conceptual movies

*If your the least bit sensitive you might want to think twice as this movie contains some gruesome depictions of drug use, prostitution, anorexia and an amputation I had someone with me who was unable to finish the movie*


Blogger Static Compost said...

Thanks for your input Emily, yes conceptual movies are interesting. What I loved about RFAD was Harry's mother, and her world. She lives in that old apartment and watches TV. Her world was the msot interesting to me.

1:49 PM  
Blogger B-Flx said...

I'll check this flick out, and let you know what I think. Thanks for the insight.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi my friend...
I think this is u the one who sends me many nice emails, thaks for all of them.
First of all about Tehran that u said u really wanna know about... it's a very big city, with more than 12,000,000 population in days and around 10,000,000 at nights... I love this city specially because that the Alborz mountains are in the North of it, and there are a lot of beautiful places in those mountains. the city is full of skyscrapers and u can see them everywhere... In the South part of it poor people live and as you go to the North more and more you see that people are more and more rich, and the people who live in the North part are very rich... the streets is usually full of clothes and it makes them so beautiful, u can see little boys playing succer in small alleys, and beautuent I'll tell u of Iran's regime, and how government trick people here.... LOL
have fun, keep in touch.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

P.S. I forgot to tell u that there is heavy traffics in streets and highways of Tehran everytime

4:42 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Onlyoneword, the two are very different kinds of films

7:58 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

hi statiscompost,

thanks for the movie does sound very interesting the way you described it. Although i'm a big movie buff, there are still movies i havent learnt to stomach and this sounds like one of them.

One of the harshest movie i have ever watched is Irreversible..while it was a critically acclaimed movie, some of the scenes were so graphic it's almost too dark to watch.It was supposed to be an artsy picture but in the end, it just left me in a moody state. Most of my friends found it disturbing too.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Sometimes I feel in movies, especially some American films, they throw in useless uncalled for violence to prove a point easily proved by something lesser. This has violence but not uncalled for violence.

2:27 PM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

SC, i agree that some films are unnecessarily violent..and i think its almost unhealthy to watch..just an idea if you're interested, you can write an entry on reality programmes, i think they promote all the wrong values too, much like violent films.

Irreversible was extrememly difficult to sit thru because of a ten minute rape scene.. that was the killer for most people. Many were known to have walked on of the picture. for me, i 'watched' 3/4 of the film behind my hands.

hey, just a quick note.. i left a comment on 'advertising'yesterday. it does not when i use firefox but appears when i use explorer..why's that?

4:05 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Violence in movies and videogames is fine, I have no problem with it. I just think that sometimes directors use scenes of unnecessary violence to prove their point that is easily proved by something lesser.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Well there are movies that are just violent for the sake of being violent like "Natural orn killers" and "Kill bill". Movies like Pulp fiction actually have a point and a story but the story is illustrated with such violence it makes the rest of the movie somewhat meaningless.

9:50 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

It is a widely reserached fact that watching wrestling induces violent behaviour...especially to the less discerning- the kids.
this is an example of how violence can be unhealthy.

onlyoneword, you said that violence in films release the natural violence in can that possibly be healthy??

8:12 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

The reality is we can't sensor what can and can't be in films. We can however give them ratings(which in most cases are innaffective) Some films aren't allowed in theaters. This is all we can, we are equal therefore we can't limit eachother. Each time we have tried the results have been negative. Its just the way it is. Sure I would love to silence Bill O'rielly, but he is a human, just like me. Although in the back of my head I think he is ignorant and that Iam better than him, there is nothing to do, unless of the course the world ran by the standards of Jordan which would not be good.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

No I have not

9:21 PM  

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