Friday, January 28, 2005
the average American is attacked by atleast 2,500 ads every 24 hours, this number can double in urban enviorments.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
Friday, January 21, 2005
I need help with my Mozilla Firefox
Iam a loyal user of Mozilla Firefox on my winXP computer, today I downloaded some updates for firefox and it cant acess any webpage I get this dialog whenever I try to acess any web page "X could not be found, check the name and try again". At first I checked my internet connection, and it was fine So now iam stuck using IE :-(. Any help greatly appreciated.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
A brillant photographer/artist
This young intuitive photographer is a master at capturing the viewers mind and flooding it with emotion. Please have a look.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
The Future of web-design
They say the future of web-design lays within the complex coding of cold-fusion. While 90% of hosting providers ae not yet supporting CFML many say that by 2006 the demand for web-sites and web-applications written in CFML will be great. We all saw PHP become gigantic and push the limits beyond just forum databases, and with SQL, mySQL and SQL server losing their popularity, CFML is looking pretty good. It still has to compete with ASP .NET and JSP I believe it can do it, but we all know (D/X) HTML will always remain in the game.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
An interesting view on morals
The last line of my previous post triggered this thought. I was debating the subject of morals with my good friend Jorge from Mexico. He believes that morals are simply an idea and/or concept that we convince ourself is existent in order to feel better about this place we live. Because in reality morals and altruism are non-existent. Being the realist Iam I took this into deep thought. We all know right from wrong, everyone from a little child to a grown man knows what is right and what is wrong. But what is moral and what is immoral, and if they are existent who is to decide? Same goes for right and wrong, in a sense. So is it good to have morals, because to have morals is to believe in them, them being the morals you came up with.
Review of the Hewlett Packard M407 digital camera
Over the holidays I recieved from my family a Hewlett Packard M407. At first I was thrilled, 4.11 Megapixels, it was small and sleek. But the past few dyas of using it have proved my intial assumptions wrong. It works two AA batteries, rechargable or not. So I charge up the batteries and take a few pictures, view them in LCD screen, check out the settings. A good three or four minutes goes by and suddenly "batteries depleted" appears on the LCD screen. At first I said to myself they musn't be holding the charge, to bad: i'll use regular AA. So I pop them in and continue what I was doing and before I knew it the ominous "batteries depleted" again appeaed on the LCD. At first I said there must be somthign wrong with the camera, so I went to the computer and googled "HP M407" I read a few reviews and they say the same thing, the batteries don't last more than a good 5 minutes, and if your using the flash, with luck you can get a 1-3 pictures taken. Very disapointing, now Iam left with two decisions: return the camera and appear to be shallow to those who gave it to me, Or just live with it. But what is right?
Monday, January 10, 2005
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Friday, January 07, 2005

Her face, her hair, her eyes: there porcelain. Inside shes screaming, it overcomes her. She feels a tear, struggles to kep it in, it breaks threw. Drips down her face trailing her make up along with it. She closes her eyes, her heart flutters, she can't deny it any longer. She falls to her knees, looks up around her for comfort, people stare: pretend shes not there. Her tears overcome her, she can longer see: its all just a blur of color. She feels her emotions, they are so real. Uncontrollably she gets up, her knees are weak, her heels and dress don't help. Her white dress, dirtied by her fall. She runs with no one to comfort her, she must get away.

Thursday, January 06, 2005
A solution to the worlds troubles
This world we live in is troubled by many things, particularly race. It has always been this way. Why? why can't the human race co-exist? Is it our programming, to fear the opposite and/or different, but were not opposite or different from eachother. Is there a soluton to this problem? I believe there is, conformity. If we are all to let go, and "interbreed" from race to race. After a hundred years or so we will all be the so similar it will be impossible to be racist. Imagine if we all were a similar color, have similar features and so on. It is slowly happening, I see interracial couples all the time. I find their children to be beautiful. I hold a prejudice, I find these children's polyracial features beautiful and intricate. In a way it is slowly happening. Although I believe this to a certain extent I then think wouldn't the world be boring without different races, is conformity the only solution furthermore is a good one?
I do not declare this belief because Iam not sure if I yet believe it to its fullest extent. It is an extremist view, but imagine a world where we all have the same mixture of races. Although this is conformity, we are human beings, we are still all different, in our beliefs. What would we look like? A "coffee and milk" complexion perhaps? Our hair, size, features what would they be.
I want to hear from all of you, what do yu believe? Is there a solution to this problem?
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Debian installation nightmares
Tired of Fedora and disappointed at the latest Red-hat, I thought I would go for Debian. I had a very older version of it on a previous machine. You have to install componet by componet, there are over 5 ways to install. So you have to use the process of elimination to find the rigth way. I have about 60% installed, its my 5th day. As of now no drivers seam to be working.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Looks can be decieving
So you frequent a website, we all do. A website that you have a username and password that you must sign in. So you type you username and password in the little box and think nothing of it. I made an interesting revelation writing the database server for fusion-vibes, I will never look at them again in the same way now that I have written one. A lot of programming goes inside those little log-in boxes.
Monday, January 03, 2005
I did say in a previous post that fusion-vibes would going going up however, I underestimated the time in wich it takes to write a site. Not to mention our(the fusion-vibes team) goal to make a site based on interactivity. So while John, one of our adminstrators:and our best programmer, is off writing the ultimiae chat room server with his java expertise, Iam here trying to write the subpages. XHTML block and all, perhaps if I freshen up with ASP and JSP I'l think of somthing.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Need Expertise
Ia, looking for a software in which one could take video clips from a DVD and edit them in several ways. For example mute their audio and add music. Somthing cheap and easy to learn/use. Any help appreciated.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
News from te adware industry
As the holidays ticked by I had some other people using my computer. It appears they infected it with some adware, lord knows how it got there. Using Spybot S & D it gave me the name of its manufacturer, I simply googled the company. Then I came to learn that this company "DirectRevenue"(appropriatley named) is currently being sued. It seams the very adware my computer was infected with serves two purposes, one the purpose of every adware: serve as a backdoor, gather personal information, change settings, distribute pop-ups and crack banners. Two to delete any other adware applications the system has, no wonder their being sued!!! My computer is clean, but imagine if it wasn't. Or if I just didn't care about the software as long as I enjoyed a free service. I wonder what would be going on inside my computer if this program began declaring war on other programs? A system crash perhaps? I do not know.