Thursday, March 24, 2005

A dream

What is a dream? We all have had them, but what do they mean? Do they have a meaning, purpose or message? Have you ever had a dream you were flying? falling? dying? A dream where you were scared? A dream that felt so unexplainably real?

To better understand what dreams are we first must decipher the very process of our sleep, only a minority of our sleep sycle is dedicated to the body. When we awake from an average 8 hour sleep, we are half an inch(a centimeter or so) taller than when we fall asleep, this is because of the pressure we apply on our joints during the day. So for an hour or so, our joints and body replenish themselves, the rest of our sleep is when our minds go through and intricate process. This process consists of all the informatin we have gathered in our short term memory relocating itself to our long term memory. Although our bodies are at rest, our neurons are working harder than ever. This is when we dream, this is when we dabble into worlds of our own making.

Have you ever had a dream so real that it forced you from your sleep? Have you ever watched someone dream; and see how they twitch, sweat and move their eyes involuntarily? Have you ever dreamt so vividly and then upon awaking lose all remembrance of it? Have you ever been inside a dream where you had little control of your own body and felt like it was hard to move? Have you ever had a dream you were hiding from something? Nuerologists and psychologists have analyzed again and again our dreams to further find out what they mean. They have come to many conclusions as to what different dreams mean, and what could induce these dreams. This isn't astrology or anything like that, its science, they have come to many conclusions. One of the most interesting is by far the "out of body expierence dream" in which you see yourself sleeping. When you have an out of body expierence it represents you confidence and the confidence in those who love.

Please share your dreams here,

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Requiem for a Dream

I have just finished watching "Requiem for a Dream" and it is by far one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen. The story is about a young man, his girlfriend, his friend and his mother and how their lives slowly fall apart. It illustrates this story by using very odd camera techniques and allowing the viewer to put pieces of the puzzle together. These camera techniques are random, fast blips of movie clips that tell the viewer somthing. As the movie goes on, and their lives fall more and more into mayhem, these blips become more complex. As their lives fall apart, the characters seperate and the one story becomes four little ones. Its ending is so amaxing, these random blips swarm the viewer as you see each of the characters at their worst state, the audio from all the character's now seperate stories get mixed over a odd ambient beat. With the audio and the beat as one, it flashes threw each characters story, and the viewer sees them in there worst state. Its violent, disturbing, shocking, absorbing: I felt so inside the story it was unreal. Suddenly there is a silence and you see all of the characters in their final forever different state. Excellent fliming, casting and music would suggest to anyone who likes conceptual movies

*If your the least bit sensitive you might want to think twice as this movie contains some gruesome depictions of drug use, prostitution, anorexia and an amputation I had someone with me who was unable to finish the movie*