Plastic Surgery: Right or Wrong
For the longest time when I heard "plastic surgery" I thought of Joan Rivers or Michael Jackson. I thought of liposuction and breast implants. I saw plastic surgery as a shallow industry giving people false hopes and allowing people to chase the unobtainable: perfection. I then realized that pop-culture has presented the average person with a small fraction of the procedures that make up this practice. Nose-jobs, lyposuction and breast implants are a few that many are familiar with. However a great deal of plastic surgery, while still cosmetic is quite amazing. I have recently enrolled in Boces which is a program that offers college preparation and career training. I plan on taking pre-medical classes when I get to college, but for now Iam taking a surgical assisting class. I have learned a great deal, mostly about the art of plastic surgery. Here are a few procedures performed by plastic surgeons that take a great deal of talent, experience and skill, I believe them to be an art.
Nerve Reattachment: We all have nerves allover our bodies, there nerves can become severed and disable whatever function they are intended to preform. In my class we learned about a man whos face was badly cut, one of these lacerations severed the nerve(I forget the lengthy medical name) that allows us to smile. Plastic surgeons where able to use a donor nerve from the mans calf and reattach this nerve in his cheek, allowing him to smile again. Nerves aren't the only thing that plastic surgeons are able to reattach. They can reattach fingers, tendons. Plastic Surgeons can give us back what would be considered gone forever twenty years ago.
Breast Reduction: Cows are given hormones, primarily estrogen so that they can produce more milk. The downside to this is that these hormones are in our milk, our cheese and other dairy products. Girls as young as seven are showing breast development and beginning to menstruate! Not only are these hormones making these girls develop early they are giving them very large breasts. This can drastically effect there lives, making them unable to run, or play sports even with sports bras. But now there is a surgery that can reduce the size of their breasts, preventing back troubles and allowing them to be more active.
And perhaps the most amazing of the procedures preformed by plastic surgeons is the facial transplant. Although a full facial transplant has not yet been done sucessfully, partial transplants have been preformed on burn victims. I made this post so people can see the real plastic surgery, the repair, reattachment and reconstruction of what has been destroyed, scarred or severed. Although these advances in plastic surgery are astonishing the industry is still plauged by the simpler cosmetic procedures. Which brings up the real question: Can you sell beauty? Can we modify ourselves surgically?
Please post comments with your opinions on plastic surgery.
Hi my friend,
1st of all don't forget to give me the money we talked about !!!! lol...
then Wow... from now it seems like that u r a plastic surgeon!!!
I hope u'll enjoy ur life, and YOU'll BECOME A GREAT MAN, ALTHOUGH YOU ARE A GREAT MAN EVEN NOW !!!!
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hi Jordy, nice to see you back after a very long time :). looks like while you were away you've been having whale of a time exploring possiblities. I am glad for you.
i have read on the experiances of ppl whose lives have changed forever with plastic surgery. these where incidences where the focus was more on getting back their identity or normal life rather than on cosmetic value. Eg: lady in france- partial face transplant, burn and accident victims,etc. but its the crazy cosmetic cases that earn all the flash bulbs. I think the question on whether PS is right or wrong is like asking, should there be cough syrups in the market- cos we know that they effectivly do their job of reducing cough and there are ppl who use it to get high. the answer lies on the pivot called 'intention'. there is a specific purpose for why somethin has been created. it is when that purpose/intention is dishonoured that the activity looks wrong. i dont know if you'd remember of a woman who changed every single feature on her face to look like... NEFRETITI!!!! yes the egyptian queen !! now, you may put your eyes back in their sockets. then there is Pam Anderson, cher, etc.
beautiful things are a joy to watch- a man or a woman.
our problem today is that there is this excessive and mostly unecessary demand to confer with a general view of what is 'beautiful'- even if it means being emancipated , having hugh busts , angelina's lips and nicole's nose. ppl are failin to understand that beauty is what you define it to be. you think you have a clown's nose, you dont like it, fix it. you have crooked teeth- fix it. all these are fine but when it goes over board , its a problem.
i have personally encountered innumerable situations where i have had to fight such crappy demands. my dad believes that people should try to look their best. i had gone to meet a doctor for orthodontic consultation with my dad. the doc listened to my dad's woes apart from my orthodontic problems: 1)cheeks have gone in, 2)increase the height of her face 3) sharpen chin . i know it sounds outrageous, but this is true! you can't begin to guess the amount of rage and sorrow i felt at that moment. the doc,to top it all, suggests inserting implants into my cheeks and insertin a titanium plate in my chin!!!!! AAARg! the thought of it just curdles my blood!!! though i felt like screamin right there, i tried to find some consolation in trying to believe that my dad was having all these ridiculous demands cos he cared for me, his daughter. I politly and sternly put it to both of them that i was clear on NOT WANTING ANY KIND OF MODIFICATIONS DONE ON ME- I AM HAPPY THE WAY I AM. you feel badgered, you feel that the people who claim to love you, perhaps dont love you for who you are,afterall. sorry that this comment has gone long... but i am for PS- as long as it helps people find themselves,smile and live a normal life in this more than demanding world. even if it is 1 necessary case : 10 beautification cases.
Keep bloggin more frequently man. Please do. :)
Looks like the doctor you'r father brought you to was more of a cosmetician than a healer. People seeking cosmetic surgery are in most cases very fragile people. Doctors must handle them a certain way, and not give them unrealistic expectations and hopes.
Hey Dude!
Months have passed by & u still haven't put a post, hope u are doing well. I know school, work & stuff has been keeping u busy. Just wanted to convey my regards, get back to active blogging.
hey amigos.
this is the first time im comin to your post after you checked out mine .
well i got rid of my old one.
well people using plastic surgery unecessarily. yeah people will always find new ways to do it bro.
looks like you have found a liking for this one.
good so i will know one more Doc.
good for me. guess i'll get some free consultation ,eh??
dudes who mimsuse these technologies do it for the extra greens, and the people who pay and use these things when they actually have no need to do it are always chasing a ghost. a reflection that doesn't even exist. guess they are misssing something in their lives and the're trying to solve it by this. God help them....
Hey Dude!
Wassup wit u? It has beeen a long time since u have done a post or been active on web. Hope you are doing good & everything going fine @ u'r end.
i miss you :(
Hey! Jordy
Wishing you & your loved ones a very warm & prosperous year ahead.
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I don't think that it is wrong!! coz if someone can become beautiful/handsome by getting surgery then what's wrong with plastic surgery. yeah it's true that natural beauty is always natural. so i think its depend on situation. well here is best site about plastic surgery information that is dallas plastic surgery.
Yes exactly, in some moments I can say that I acquiesce in with you, but you may be inasmuch as other options.
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Depends on the reasons. If the person is actually going through a lot of psycohlogical issues and pain because they are extremely self conscious then i think it's alright. also if you beat yourself up about it too much then i think it's better to make yourself feel better by having it done if that's what you really wanted.but i wouldn't agree with it if it was for something like looking like someone else when you haven't got anything wrong with you..
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