I don't support terrorism, and I defiantley don't support war: but I do support the Arab World, and all the people in these various countries who are being oppressed by their western big brothers.
I support the Free Palestine movement, and I support all Palestinians that are freeing themselves from the Israeli government's oppressive and tyrannical rule. I do not support suicide bombings, or any violence, I support the marches, rallies and demonstrations in the streets throughout Palestine that take place everyday. I think the Israeli government is horrified just thinking about having to "co-exist" with Palestinians, I think they will do anything in their power to prevent them from ever having any governmental representation or equal rights. I find the Israeli police and armed forces to be racial profilers, that stop people with dark skin that happen to be walking in the wrong neighborhood.
I support the Iraqi's in a realist way, I support an end to the violence and the handing over of power to the new government. I never supported the war in Iraq, but two years later I can do nothing but hope that things get better there and the US leaves the Iraqi's to their country.
I support the whole nation of Iran, although Iam not fond of their regime, I support them and the people of Iran for being strong and even stubborn with the US government who has been after their oil since the 1970's. I don't see why a nation like Iran can't prosper and better themselves by introducing nuclear power without the US and the UK after them with threats. The nation of Iran should be able to develop and their development shoudn't be hindered by Western Powers who are afraid of their potential, afraid of anyone else but them having any kind of power.
I was very offended and even disgusted the morning the bombings occurred in London, how the BBC and CNN were blaming these events on "Islamic Fundamentalism" and were quick to blame it on Al-Qaeda. In a few days the world would learn that these suicide bombers/terrorists were British-Born men. I think it disgusting how people are labeling people not by their race, but just by the way they look. Non-Arab, non-Muslim men and women are being racially profiled all across the US. Persians, Sikhs and other Asians that look the least bit arab in the eyes of ignorant Americans are being alienated: its happening across the US, I have seen it in airports, stores and on the street.
Rather then acting quickly and ignorantly retaliating, the British government should try to see the message behind this heinous event. Maybe if they listened to their people and the people that they are so quick to attack they would actually be able to solve the problem, rather then just thin the chances of its re-occurrence.
Africa is stricken with poverty, the average life expectancy in many African countries does not exceed forty five. Africa is a mess, and the world is looking away, our men with power are out to get more by eliminating their opposition. Lets not fight to the end and have innocent lives slain over power and greed. Lets solve the problems that our small world is stricken with. Lets prosper, not as a nation: but as a race, a race of the same species. Lets better ourselves by investing in man. Save the war until we are invaded by other intelligent life, we need to stop pulling guns on our own.
Let's re-invent our world, because anyone who says its fine the way it is, is lying.