Wednesday, July 13, 2005

What I think about the bombings in London

I don't support terrorism, and I defiantley don't support war: but I do support the Arab World, and all the people in these various countries who are being oppressed by their western big brothers.
I support the Free Palestine movement, and I support all Palestinians that are freeing themselves from the Israeli government's oppressive and tyrannical rule. I do not support suicide bombings, or any violence, I support the marches, rallies and demonstrations in the streets throughout Palestine that take place everyday. I think the Israeli government is horrified just thinking about having to "co-exist" with Palestinians, I think they will do anything in their power to prevent them from ever having any governmental representation or equal rights. I find the Israeli police and armed forces to be racial profilers, that stop people with dark skin that happen to be walking in the wrong neighborhood.
I support the Iraqi's in a realist way, I support an end to the violence and the handing over of power to the new government. I never supported the war in Iraq, but two years later I can do nothing but hope that things get better there and the US leaves the Iraqi's to their country.
I support the whole nation of Iran, although Iam not fond of their regime, I support them and the people of Iran for being strong and even stubborn with the US government who has been after their oil since the 1970's. I don't see why a nation like Iran can't prosper and better themselves by introducing nuclear power without the US and the UK after them with threats. The nation of Iran should be able to develop and their development shoudn't be hindered by Western Powers who are afraid of their potential, afraid of anyone else but them having any kind of power.
I was very offended and even disgusted the morning the bombings occurred in London, how the BBC and CNN were blaming these events on "Islamic Fundamentalism" and were quick to blame it on Al-Qaeda. In a few days the world would learn that these suicide bombers/terrorists were British-Born men. I think it disgusting how people are labeling people not by their race, but just by the way they look. Non-Arab, non-Muslim men and women are being racially profiled all across the US. Persians, Sikhs and other Asians that look the least bit arab in the eyes of ignorant Americans are being alienated: its happening across the US, I have seen it in airports, stores and on the street.
Rather then acting quickly and ignorantly retaliating, the British government should try to see the message behind this heinous event. Maybe if they listened to their people and the people that they are so quick to attack they would actually be able to solve the problem, rather then just thin the chances of its re-occurrence.
Africa is stricken with poverty, the average life expectancy in many African countries does not exceed forty five. Africa is a mess, and the world is looking away, our men with power are out to get more by eliminating their opposition. Lets not fight to the end and have innocent lives slain over power and greed. Lets solve the problems that our small world is stricken with. Lets prosper, not as a nation: but as a race, a race of the same species. Lets better ourselves by investing in man. Save the war until we are invaded by other intelligent life, we need to stop pulling guns on our own.
Let's re-invent our world, because anyone who says its fine the way it is, is lying.


Blogger compassioNAT said...

I think you've sort of summed up how I feel about the British bombings. The British govt was very quick to point an accusing finger at Al-qaeda only to find out it was done by their own people. I do not support Al-aqeda obviously but I can't help but feel that there is so much discrimination towards the Muslim community in the western countries. I've witnessed that myself in the airports and at work too.

Africa is striken with so many more urgent problems. I am glad that people are banding together to fight against poverty in the Live8 movement. It is a great effort to steer our focus in the right direction.

One more thing, a 'race of the same species'- I really like that. If we always remember to treat one another on a human-to-human basis, life would be so much better.

Good one, SC.

12:58 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

That has happened in the US too, when their was a bombinb in Oklahoma City. Many were quick to accuse Islamic Fundamentalism only to find out that this heinous act was commited by several White Americans! Thanx Nat

10:23 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

icarus, worse than ignorance, arrogrance has crept deep into your thoughts. It is because of such attitudes that fundamentalists exists in the first place. That attitude of self entitlement. remember that not everybody has to share your beliefs.

racial profiling does not solve anything in the long run. It only aggravates the problem by causing more discrimination and separation.

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that pretty much sums it up!

10:19 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

icarus, don't talk about that self entitlement to individual freedom when it's your country's great leadership that has poked its nose into other countries' affairs. Did those iraqis who died in the war enjoy individual freedom? what you really mean is YOUR freedom.

I would have really listened to your point of view if you had not spoken in such a condescending manner like you're right and the rest of the world owns you something.I think you've been brainwashed.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodman don't give me the merits of racial profiling like im a 5 year old. You are totally missing the point here. Is racial profiling the most logical and efficient way of screening people? Yes. Is it right? No. Does it make matters worse directly and indirectly? Hell yeah! Borrowing from an old quote.. its akin to adding oil to the fire. Its not just about refining your search targets at a checkpoint (That seems to be your definition of racial profiling). Racial profiling has far reaching effects on the community at large. Everyone looks at each other differently. It sows the seeds of distrust and draws divisive lines. Btw we ARE discussing issues. I never said that anyone HAD to subscribe to my point of view. What i am saying is that your point of view is wrong. Not only wrong its very very irresponsible. The crux of the matter is that racial profiling isn't even the point here. It is only a small facet. Of course it would be better if we didn't have to face these things in the first place. Tom B put it so sweetly i couldnt have done it better myself :) Having said that.. the problems we all face now are so complex that it would be foolish to think they can be solved with a one dimentional approach. What would be worse is acting on knee jerk reactions to situations as complicated as this. I hope you see where im coming from goodman.


12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Padestrianicon the existence of people with views like goodman don't 'cause' terrorists to exist but you cannot hide from the fact that their views and attitudes are a contributing factor.. albeit indirectly. Im not suggesting that i know what makes a man (or woman) want to blow themselves up.. I do know that the idea of singling 'types' of people out is wrong on so many levels. The sad thing is, that's the reality of things. I was in the military and im trying to put myself in the shoes of the people who are now trying to keep the peace out there and trying to filter out these damn terrorists.

1:01 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Maybe I was a lil heated and went to far, but I was just outraged how someone could possibly think that singling out young asian men, arab or not is the right thing to do. sadly his views reflect the views of many Americans, whether they be sub-conscious or not. Not only are these views racist, hateful and wrong. As for the war in Iraq, Iraq is in the worst condition it has ever been in, saying that Iraqi's are in a better place now is wrong. Iraq is an anarchy with a military dictatorship trying to crush all opposition. Im not defending/supporting Hussien, but things were much better when he was around. Over 25,000 Iraqi's have died, thats not freedom. If the Iraqi's wanted a revolution they should have got over their tribal bullshit, organized and worked together towards one. Its not up to America to give them one. Almost every country in the world was formed from some kind of revolution, if they could do it so can the Iraqi's.

9:18 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...


Iraq is in shambles now. Probably more so than before the war. The media would have you believe that they're better off now (that is the only 'positive' thing they can claim as a result of the war), but that is hardly the case. As it is now, the US has not cleaned up the mess it's created. The average Iraqi is still jobless, homeless and suffering from the traumas of war. How is that freedom? The war was a mistake that came at too high a price.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Iraq is the next Vietnam, we as a country, and humans have failed to learn from past expierences. The US and the UK will be in Iraq for atleast three more years, three more years of bloodshed. There are over 200,000 insurgents ready to give their lives. it is clear that Iraq is very far from peace, further then they were before the US went in.

2:06 PM  
Blogger vevck said...

After the recent incidents in London i feel that the western world suffers from Islamophobia.

As SC has mentioned on the post that even the Non-Muslim and Non-Arab men are labelled and profiled in many parts of the world. I feel the attitude must change towards such discrimination.

You can know longer discriminate in the present multi-cultural, multi-racial socities were ppl from different faiths & backgrounds live in a city. The governments will never let things settle down, it's rather for the people of the world to put up a strong message to the world leaders.

I guess that's wat changed when Live8 was organised and it really made the difference when ppl across different continents gave their name for the cause.

12:31 AM  
Blogger vevck said...

Sometimes it's the forgien policies of many western nations which is helping the radicals to motivate young minds to do such nasty acts of terror in many nations.

12:41 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

I personally think that Arab Muslims are the most misunderstood people in the world. I myslef have tried to learn more about their culture, history and religon. By reading the Quran, and speaking to Muslim friends. I also want to visit that part of the world to better understand them. If Americans would replace their fear with curiosity, we might not have this trouble. I think the media is to blame.

9:12 AM  

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