Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Capitalization of Che Guevara

Che Guevara, yes the Communist Freedom Fighter who fought side by side with Fidel Castro to liberate Cuba from Batista. I read about him, read his biography, saw "The motorcycle Diaries" I liked it, I don't completely agree with his every action or view but I have respect for him. I see people wearing shirts with his face and the word "Revolucion" on it with the Cuban flag in the backround. I can't help my self but ask "Do you know who he is? Do you know what he has done?" I admit it was rude of me to challenge complete strangers knowledge, but many had no idea he was a communist or he fought with Castro. Many were outraged when they found out and asked why a terrorist/guerilla is being glamorized. The truth is, he's not being glamorized he would roll over in his grave if he saw how capitalistic American franchises are using sweat shop labor to make clothing with his face on it. It goes against everything he stands for, the worst part is half the people buying them are pseudo-intellectuals who buy them because it makes them look politically active when they really don't know anything about him. Anyone who actually does know about and supports him and buys these posters, shirts, pins etc. are hypocrites, not only are they doing the late Ernesto Guevara Lynch a great disservice by supporting this capitalist trap they are going against what they say they believe in.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dear friend,
Your ideas are like mine usually... ;)
I am sorry I am not keeping bloging very actively like past times..
don't u wanna have trip around Iran??? I will be at ur serviece then...
anyway anytime u thought u wanna visit here, or even if u wanna talk to me, call me by the number below !!!
HAVE FUN,ur friend Sina

11:18 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Thanx for your relevance

9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi my friend
I am sorry if I am too lazy answering mails and leaving comments...
it is around 5 or 6 days I am not having internet, and I am not gonn a have it for some more days too... Hope to get mre beautiful mails and comments form u my friend !!!!!!!!!
yours.... .::SINA::.

6:10 PM  

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