Racism I encounter
I have friends from all walks of life, their race means nothing to me. But I realize amongst my peers there is a lot of racial animosity, particularly my caucasian friends. Here is just a little sample of the racism I encounter amongst friends and aquaintances regularly.
"He started smoking Nigger-ports" Here this person is refering to Newport cigarettes which are notorious for being strong menthol cigarettes.
Just to set the plot, I was walking late at night with a friend when we saw a drunk driver hit a parked car, my friend responded: "God damn yan-yos". Yan-yo is a racial term used to label Latino immigrants.
"Its getting harder and harder to be an American in America, no one speaks your language, the ones that do are fucking niggers. I feel Im the immigrant, in a way Iam, Im the minority here: out numbered by the rest of them." I work with the person that said this, he is in no way, shape or form my friend.(for the record).
-Can I borrow a dollar?
-Sorry I dont have enough
-Stop being a jew and loan me a dollar
This was a conversation I saw between two people when I was getting some lunch the other day. The man who asked for a dollar later recieved it after his use of a racial analogy.
Why does all this racial animosity engulf America the way it does? It goes deeper than just racial slurs, people are seperating themselves by race, is it because they feel more comfortable amongst their own race? Why can't they be at ease in the prescence of people that are different from them? And my final question, although it is already becoming one of those irritating cliches we all kno and hate "Why can't just get along?".
Im not sayin we should all think the same and be the same and act the same, that would be boring. But why are engulfed in racial hatred?
Hey dude good to have u back on blogging front. Truth is that racism exits every where in the world not only in America.
Today i just got a mail from one of my classmate where a person working for the Larget Database Vendor has been accusing all the Bangaloreans for the rise in Crime rates.
I ceratinly feel that such people aren't ignorant and they do it deliberately. I guess they just want to prove their superiority or dominance in the world.
Agreed, Racism is everywhere, I was't trying to say racism is just in America, those were just examples of the racism I encounter all the time. @Icharus: well said, your deep psychological analysis of racism, if onl I could write like you.
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