Monday, May 30, 2005

Reconnecting with our humanness, or just plain cruelty

The other day I was outside with a group of people coincidently all males, we were enthralled in a game of T.A.P.S. Then I spotted a rather large green moth perched on a brick wall about 10 feet of the ground. I pointed to the interesting creature and told others to look. Instantly the expressions changed on their faces, they began to run around looking for rocks and sticks. They then began to chant "Kill it!", "Knock it down!","Get a rock, quick!". They all began jumping up to hit it, slapping sticks at it and throwing rocks at this poor moth. There were fists in the air, people yelling: and when a stone finally struck the moth, they chanted, clapped, and disturbingly celebrated. This really made me think, why did they do this? Why did they kill this defenseless animal in vain? Its not like there were young kids amongst the group, many of them over 16. This made me think about our race, the human race. We started out as nomadic hunter gatherers, then as time went on we became more civilized and our world slowly evolved into what it is today. Was this slaugter of the moth, a group of males reconnecting with their humanness? Bear in mind we didnt get together and have a talk about human civilization and say we were going to go hunt something. This all happened hap-hazardly, they all saw the moth and had the same idea, the same motive and the same goal, it came so natural to them. Was it a struggle to be the alpha-male, was it a struggle to see who could kill it first? Me personally, I was on the moth's side, encouraging others to simply "let it be" but they had this rage to them, this urge to kill the poor thing. As disturbing as this may seam, it is also so natural when you think about it. I believe this hunting down was our instincts, our humanness permeating their 21st century minds and allowing them to reconnect with what ours did when we didnt have all this modern technology.

Society may condemn things, and suppress them: but we must embrace our humanness for all its beauty and all of its not so beautiful qualities. We need to listen to what our minds and bodies are telling us, rather then society. Im not saying whenever you see and animal, kill it and after raise your fists in celebration. But try to reconize your humanness, and embrace it. Be yourself, its all you can do, we are human. Ours is a gift, we should be proud of who we are. We should be proud that we can sweat, bleed, cry, be attracted to another and all the other amazing things we do. We must remember that although we are so significant and advanced we are still living, breathing things that walk this earth. We aren't that different from the other creatures that walk this earth, we must compare ourselves to them, perhaps there is something we can learn from these simpler creatures. We need to embrace and accept our imperfections and differences, because we are nothing without them. We are gifts, we are incredible creatures worthy of such praise. The things we do, our natural instincts are beautiful so don't supress them, accept them. When there is an unpleasant odor, embrace it because you can smell. When there is bad music on the radio, listen because you can. When you are served a dish you don't favor, eat it because you can taste, and not only that you can enjoy and not enjoy. Form your opinions, because your are smart enough to be able to think about such things. Consider yourself a gift, a gift to everything: this earth and beyond. Ours is worthy of praise, study ours, examine us, perhaps you can find something about the race in which you are a member that you can look at and say "Wow, we do that, we are able to do that.".


Blogger compassioNAT said...

well articulated S.C..

i think you've not got any comments on this entry because it's such a tough thing to think about.

I don't know how it'll be like if we were all still acting like cavemen and hunting down the first animal we see...we've evolve so much, i don't think i can embrace that and all it 'rawness'.

if i see an animal, my first thought would be, how do I get around to touching it..not stone it to death! We may think we're smarter than the simpler creatures who walk this earth...but are we really? Animals can do without us..but can we do without them?

Humans are a beautiful species...until they thought they were too beautiful and got haughty..

6:53 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Nat, I hope you don't think Im encouraging people to hunt down every living thing they see. That is pointless and killing an animal in the year 2005 would be in vain. I was just attempting to have people try and reconize their humanness.

8:39 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

haha..of course not.I understood you were on the moth's side :)

I was just thinking...what if we all reacted like the bunch of guys you were talking about. They had, without rhyme or reason, wanted to destroy that poor moth.

No worries, i know you're a sensitvie, kind-hearted soul!

11:34 PM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

Thanx Nat, perhaps what I meant(Im not even sure) was people should reconize and try to reconect with their humanness. With society telling us one thing, and our minds and bodies another we end up confused and most of the time denying our humanness. This applies to some many aspects of our lives, perhaps the moth-hunting example wasn't the best. Perhaps it is just an example of one of the crazy things testosterone can make us do. On that note there are several psychologists that believe males should embrace their primal aggression, society is saying this is wrong, but some sort of aggression is inherit into every male. Was this hunting of the moth an example of primal male aggresion?

12:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We are still 2 friends man, but I am sorry I don't have time to send u mails and even update my blog, that's because of the final exams.... there is still 13 days to the last day of exams. !!!
wish me success my friend... LOl


3:07 AM  
Blogger compassioNAT said...

wow..i'm not sure either.but i do agree that many times, society dictates that we do this, but our mind and body tell us something else.

in that context, yes, i say reconnect with humaness..and do what YOU think is right.

Does that make sense? Or have i missed your point? (Geez, i'm not sure either. Tough topic!)

4:41 AM  
Blogger Static Compost said...

I personally believe a moralistic compass in inherit into all human beings. We know what is right and wrong even at a young age, although we dont always choose to listen to it.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Consider yourself a gift, a gift to everything: this earth and beyond. "

Wonderful post...and i totally agree with you...
and you say it just in the same time and space!!

Thank you!

11:08 PM  

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