Questi0n S1eep
Thoughts that come to me in the AM, sleepless techno-babble, programming moans and groans. And another way to feed my internet addiction.
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- Globalization at its best, even inside the remote ...
- I took this in Beijing, I Love the shape.
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- Two Monks in a buddhist temple in Xi'an enjoying a...
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- Racial Seperation and Reverse Discrimination
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
I had seen an episode of this in Discovery Channel long back. It's awesome to see a stadium full of warriors where each warrior is unique.
ya.. it seems some king spent all the money in the kingdom to do it... so the next king in reign had to settle for a more practical option- miniatures. I think it was made by the king after whom china is named- chin... i think.
they weren't cheapley thrown together either, aside from some missing heads and my a limb or two almost all of the soldiers were intact. I believe it was Chin ordered they be made to protect him after his death.
Great pic.
Yes Viv, adding on your point, what is most amazing is that each of the terracotta supposedly have a unique facial expression, much like our fingerprints.
This king must have been obsessive..
mind- boggling huh?
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